Kate Lyddon loan to Tallinna Kunstihoone

Kate Lyddon loan to Tallinna Kunstihoone
Kate Lyddon, Cloakroom Exchange, 2016. Courtesy the artist and V22 Dalston


Zabludowicz Collection is delighted to be lending two works by Kate Lyddon to Tallinna Kunstihoone’s latest exhibition ThrobWerk.

Known for her otherworldly representations of ‘real life’, Lyddon combines various scenarios in an ethereal mix, shapeshifting from detailed drawings and etchings to uncanny and unsettling sculptures and paintings.

Cloakroom Exchange
, 2016 (pictured above) and Man Up, 2013 will be shown alongside Estonian artist Angela Massalu until 13 October 2019. For more information, please head to Tallinna Kunstihoone’s website.

Exhibiting Artists