Zabludowicz Art Collection Finland Trip: Day One

10 July 2018

First day of our art adventure with artists and professionals from across the globe. With so much to see and do, where to start!

Zabludowicz Art Collection Finland Trip: Day One
Saturday was our big day and we were very excited to show some of the new works in Sarvisalo. The Art Barn in Hermans was looking splendid with Toby Ziegler’s ‘The Alienation of Objects’, 2010-12 which we commissioned for his show at our London gallery
Zabludowicz Art Collection Finland Trip: Day One
The Albert Oehlen installation looking majestic and strong, whilst the rhythmic beats from Berlin’s night haunts play out
Zabludowicz Art Collection Finland Trip: Day One
Once again, it was a lovely hot day and we were back in our summer clothes. Collector Lekha Poddar stands in front of the Richard Woods house as Seventeen’s David Hoyland emerges
Zabludowicz Art Collection Finland Trip: Day One
The newly installed ‘Small Business-Karaoke No. 3 (Pequeño Negocio: karaoke No. 3)’, 2009 by Shi Jin in our Asian Art Barn. Tiffany in charge of the karaoke and tea!
Zabludowicz Art Collection Finland Trip: Day One
Guan Xiao’s ‘Documentary: From National Geographic to BBC’, 2015, shining majestically, with a coordinated Maitreyi in the latest mustard yellow ready to be photographed
Zabludowicz Art Collection Finland Trip: Day One
Matthew Day Jackson then took us on a tour of ‘Hauta’, 2012 where we discovered a bronze bone-like figure - perpetuity ready to be discovered in a thousand years
Zabludowicz Art Collection Finland Trip: Day One
Olga Sviblova, our Russian beauty and Director and Founder of Moscow’s Multimedia Art Museum, was enjoying Matthews talk
Zabludowicz Art Collection Finland Trip: Day One
Standing proudly in front of Timo Sarpaneva’s rug is his widow Marjatta Sarpaneva and their son Polo
Zabludowicz Art Collection Finland Trip: Day One
In front of the Per Kirkeby is architect Jukka Siren with Polo
Zabludowicz Art Collection Finland Trip: Day One
Walking in the sunshine checking out the Laura Buckley was writer and curator Tom Morton
Zabludowicz Art Collection Finland Trip: Day One
Helen Pheby Senior Curator at Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Zabludowicz Art Collection Finland Trip: Day One
So happy to find Jon Rafman’s ‘New Age Demanded (Secret Meanings)’, 2015 now in its resting place probably above an old family tomb I assume!